
Monday, September 22, 2014

Where did that knife go?

While preparing dinner last night I placed a larger size steak knife on a plate of chicken on the table, then I covered the plate with a large wok cover to keep it warm.  Usually I keep everything at the cooktop and prepare plates before putting them on the table but last night Caroline had a friend over and I cooked more food than normal so I figured it would be easiest to bring everything to the table.

Everyone else was going about their business as I prepped dinner and kept an eye on Mitchell.  Of course this is usually the way it works around here.  As of late he has become interested in spinning any kind of lid he can find.  I saw him take the wok cover off the chicken and spin it then place it back on top.  I did not pay too much attention to what he was doing because he was not causing any trouble. He was in and out of the kitchen and then I called everyone to dinner.

When I went to place chicken on the individual plates I asked where the knife went?  The kids and Steve just looked at me as I looked around the kitchen.  Hmmmm.  It was a pretty big knife and now it is missing.  Crap, Mitchell was playing around at the table.  I checked the sink as Steve checked the family room, under the couch and the laundry room where I caught Mitchell trying to place the dryer lint trap in the slop sink.  He got out the flashlight and looked down the vent in case he had dropped it in there.  I thought he may have also gone to washroom after playing at table so maybe he flushed it?  Oh well.  Since it was not in view I figured we were pretty safe no one was going to get hurt with it so we all ate dinner and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

I had pretty much forgotten about the knife when it was getting close to bedtime.  As I went to pick up the laundry basket that was in the kitchen I flashed back to Mitchell touching things in the basket while I cooked.  Sure enough, wrapped in a pair of Grace pants was the knife safe and sound.  He is such a good kid.  The only thing I can think of is he saw it was sharp and put it somewhere safe.  Of course when we asked him before where the knife was he just kept repeating the question.  Such a silly boy.  He clearly knows more than he is letting on to.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I am so tired, why not you?

It is 9:00pm Tuesday night and it seems like any regular night at our house except I can barely keep my eyes open an nausea is setting in as I settle the girls in for bed.  Steven is in the basement with a friend playing Xbox and Steve is on the couch watching Mitchell in amazement that he is still going strong after being awake for 18hrs.

At 2:30am Tuesday morning I hopped out of bed when I heard Mitchell open his bedroom door.  He ran quickly down the stairs, turned on the iPad and squinted and rubbed his eyes at the shocking brightness of the screen in the dark room.  When I spoke to him, he waved and settled into his seat.  I thought if I gave him some time he become tired again and return to bed.  He had only 4 hrs of sleep, he has to be tired.

An hour later I decided he was not going to bed on his own and thought I would try some melatonin in his juice.  Of course he was not thirsty so the juice sat there and we watched his favorite DVDs with soothing music, prancing zoo animals, nursery rhymes and giant stuffed animals dancing and singing. At 4:30am I brought him upstairs to bed only to have him leave the room 3x before I laid with him dealing with constant requests to scratch his toes.  The birds were starting to chirp and the sun was coming up and I thought if he did not fall asleep soon he was up for good.

I must have dozed off in between toe scratching and woke when he jabbered and jumped out of bed.  I was hoping we had both been asleep for hours and it was like 8am or something close, it was pretty bright outside.  Downstairs we go and the clock says 5:30am.  I could not believe it had only been 3 hours since we first woke up.  He asked me to play Mario Galaxy on wii but only Steven knows how so I explained we were not waking him up this early (good or bad mom?) and settled for more Muffin Man and No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed.

Eventually 8:30am rolled around and it was time for him to go to camp, off we went bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Grandpa had brought donuts and STRONG coffee for breakfast and I contemplated napping or grocery shopping while he stayed with the other kids.  I was afraid if I laid down I might not get up so I shopped, showered, took Grace to kindergarten assessment, did some work on computer and then it was time to pick up Mitchell from camp.

After a full day of camp and 4 hours of therapy Mitchell does not show any signs of what I am feeling,  he just keeps going and going like a machine.  Ironically he had a great day at camp, and no adverse behaviors in therapy.  Maybe he was just moving slow and did not have the energy to disagree.  His vocabulary was outstanding today as well.  Apparently he just did not need the sleep last night, there is plenty of time for that later I guess.  Not sure when I get to catch up.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Easy Peasy

Two weeks before school ended in the Spring we approached our school district about out of district placement for Mitchell.  I had visited the Academy of Excellence in Learning a month prior and fell in love with it.  To our surprise, our district agreed with our request but wanted us to observe a few other programs before making a final decision.  Let the touring begin.

The Academy of Excellence in Learning or AEL is an ABA Therapy school whose goal is to teach the child to learn and give them skills needed to return to their home school within a few years requiring little to no support.  It was unlike any program I had seen or heard of.  The ABA approach is what we use at home and how our therapists get results from Mitchell.  He has so much potential that our current school was not able to pull out of him but we see it at home. The director I met with and the staff were awesome to watch while they worked with the students.  I felt at home there and it felt as if all our therapists would fit right in as well.  It was a good match for our family and therapy program.

Over the past month I have looked at 3 schools and have another scheduled for tomorrow.  I visited each school with an open mind but all the while collecting reasons why they did not compare to AEL.  One school had a completely different philosophy of therapy then AB and required our commitment to their program to move forward - ya do not think so.  Another just made me feel sad and uneasy and was not much different in structure than our program at Butler.  The school I visited yesterday was the most promising of them but not as intensive as AEL.

So I emailed our Spec Ed director to tell her our observations will be done by Friday and we can set up meeting for next week.  I assumed I would have to provide a case as to why I felt their options were not appropriate for Mitchell and wanted to get the fight started if there was going to be one.  She called me almost immediately to say a meeting was not necessary.  She did not fully agree with our choice of AEL but was willing to try it out.  She would send an email to AEL and copy me in the correspondence to start his intake.  WOW!  This was all so easy and I was so relieved.  So happy and relaxed knowing this new chapter was going to be a good one and the progress Mitchell makes is going to be phenomenal.

I anxiously waited for an email and at 6:45pm I got one, but was not prepared for what it said.  AEL  responded to our directors intake request advising that as of July 8 they have decided to close their school. @#$*%#$!!!!!!  What the (BLEEP) are we going to do now??? UGH!!

Sighs, tears, giggles at the terrible humor in this, anger, disappointment and sadness.  This program was going to change us, our family.  It would be like having 30 hours of ABA therapy a week in addition to the 15 private sessions we have.  Now we have to decided between the other schools that I really do not feel are going to change anything because they are not all that different from what our school has been doing.  For whatever reason the AEL closed, I am happy we did not start there then have to switch and it is tragic they have to close but what about Mitchell?  What the hell do we do about Mitchell now?

I cannot think of anything else today, I am sick about it.  I guess the school from yesterday would be our plan B but I am hoping the school I visit tomorrow will really WOW me and it will all be OK.  Things are never this easy, as I should have figured out when our out placement process was going to smoothly.  We have little or 1 month to find a suitable fall option and I am very tired even thinking about it.  I thought I could relax.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sleepover Camp and Enchanted Castle

     Caroline decided she was ready for sleepover camp this year and found a friend to go with her.  We dropped her off at Camp Manitoqua this morning.  She scored the top of a 3 level bunk and is rooming with her friend Claudia.  To her, this whole adventure is no big deal and she is ready to take on the week!  

*As I write this, a huge storm is rolling through but a friend close to the camp says they do not have much wind, only rain at this point.

So with Caroline at Camp Manitoqua and Mitchell at ESY (extended school year) and then camp with Tri-County SRA, I thought the other kids and I should do something they both enjoy - video gaming & exciting rides!

Steven has been asking to return to Enchanted Castle ever since we went there for a mother/son outing 2 years ago.  And a bonus came my way when I looked up the phone number online an a Groupon offer popped up - BAMMO!

Grace says this is one of her Best Day Ever days.

 Grace looks like a giant spinning in this teapot for really little kids.
Steven located his favorite game Animal Kaiser and met a kid who looked just like him playing the same game - weird.
 Grace acted 15, not 5, as she rhode the Catapult with arms up and everything.  That is her on the right.
And the play area had taken a few steroids since we were there last and Grace had a blast.  She ended her day shooting giant spiders in Jungle Safari.

Monday, June 9, 2014

First Day of Summer Vacation

Summer is officially here at the Ivey house.  We slept in until 7:45 - woohoo!  The kids clearly have not adjusted to vacation weekday mode.  It is 11:30am and I have just finished my 1st pot of coffee and contemplating making another.

So far we have eaten breakfast, played on PC and Grandma has come over so I can shower.

Mitchell built a fort.

I have watched Baby Genius Nursery Rhymes and Childrens Favorite Songs videos 4x, paid a bill and signed up the girls for VBS.

Mitchell has also played with water balloons - quickly going through the 1000 that arrived the other day, ran through the sprinkler and his current fitness training.

 The other kids - plus one - have retired to the basement and Minecraft.

In 1 hr the sitter arrives so I can travel to Naperville to the 1st of our last three NeuroFeedback appointments.  Mitchell starts ESY (extended school year) on Wednesday and then Summer Camp begins Friday.  Everyone in our family should be as productive with their time as he is.

Happy Summer Vacation - it is not as scary this year as it has been in the past, everyone is growing up nicely.  Considering I have been able to take pictures, upload and blog, the Summer break is starting out well.  We will have to see what everything looks like mid-August.  Maybe I should do before and after selfies.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

What's with the ear?

Just realized I haven't written since the summer.  Youzer the time really flies.  Some thoughts are short enough for a quick Facebook post but most of the time I have quite a bit to say but no time to type it up.  I will try to focus more on my blogging than Facebook.  It ends up on my page anyways!

A few days ago Mitchell started pulling on his ears a little more than normal.  He was banging his head at school and at home and crying.  One time even holding the side of his head saying "pain".  Huge steps obviously in the speech department but then he turns around quickly and we do not find the source of his frustration and pain.

About an hour ago he was trying to stick my finger in his ear and giggling once again with no other indication of the true problem.   Steve suggests we get the flashlight and really look into his ears.  Left ear looks alright but the right ear has what looks like popcorn in it!  We eat popcorn all the time but I cannot pinpoint when we had it last.

Steve is at the urgent care with him right now.  Just texted to say it was crumpled paper, not popcorn, and the ear is slightly infected so giving him antibiotics.  AND he did awesome with the Dr.  Always so exciting here.

Reminded me of the time Steven decided at the age of  6 or so that it was a good idea to pick up a piece of packaging styrofoam and jam it in his ear.  When we asked why he said "I don't know just felt like it."  Something with my boys and their ears.