That's where I am headed today. This makes me think of learning to spell principle and principal in school and to remember that the principal is your pal. I didn't feel that way growing up and I'm not feeling it today.
After Grace's dance class this morning I had a VM from Mitchell's Special Ed teacher saying he bit another student in gen ed today. I call her back and learn he is on an unofficial in-school suspension - meaning he has been removed from gen ed and placed in the self contained classroom for the remainder of the day. I also need to come in and speak to the Principal about it, per protocol. I can't imagine he is going to be my "pal" during this conversation. Mitchell's aide, Kristen, was crying and is very upset that she didn't see it coming and was unable to prevent it. I feel bad for everyone else, not so much for Mitchell - is that awful?
This is how it played out:
1st grade gen ed class files into the hallway for a group picture, I interpreted there was more than one class in hallway because "other teachers didn't notice he was upset either." Mitchell was standing with his peers which he has done in the past but it was taking a while to get everyone situated. He pulled on the arm of the girl next to him then buried his fave is her side and bit her.
The adults around didn't know what had happened until the girl started crying and said Mitchell but her. he didn't act out until she started crying louder I guess. Poor girl. They had to call her parents because it broke the skin. She is calmed down now and they will keep Mitchell away from her. Ugh I can imagine that phone call. I'd be really pissed and tat girl is going to tel her parents it was Mitchell and I'll probably have to do the spring party with the mom ad oh boy - I want to hide under a rock.
So the OT was in the hall and took Mitchell to her room to calm him down and when I talked to his teacher she said he was acting fine in the self contained room now. I asked if she sat him down and really let him have it and we both kinda chuckled- terrible I know. She said it wasn't like he was angry or frustrated and the girl's shirt was pretty & sparkley and he might have thought it looked good. It didn't appear he did it to hurt her. I'm sure that will make it OK for her and her parents. Good Greif.
It appears Thanksgiving through Christmas is quite chaotic at school and seems to be a bit overwhelming for some kids. I heard rumor one aide got smacked in the nose by her student recently too. A kid like Mitchell wants to go into his classroom, sit at his desk and do work - forget the pictures and play time, he gets that at home.
So now I get to go see the PrinciPAL and listen to I don't know what because I've never done this before. I'm sure I'll sit there and imagine he's thinking I'm an awful parent and Mitchell is the worst kid ever. I will try not to cry through the whole thing.
If anyone reading this blog know this girl or her parent's PLEASE PLEASE tell her how sorry we are about this.
I haven't stopped by your blog for a while, but crazy timing. . . one of my kids got bit today! Don't be too hard on yourself. We've all been on both sides of this. Sometimes our kids do something that hurts someone else and sometimes others hurt them. It's a "teachable moment" in both situations and our hearts hurt a little bit on both sides. Hopefully this family will be teaching forgiveness this evening.