
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sleepless in Lockport

It's 6:00pm and Mitchell has been awake for at least 15 hrs.  Currently he is on the couch playing Angry Birds on the iPad with the volume high enough to compete with itunes on the laptop I am using and Angelina Ballerina on TV. 

I woke up at 3am to the sound of the ipad and the glare of the hallway light streaming into our room.  I don't know how long he was up by then, he looked pretty cozy in the chair and was laughing at heaven knows what.  This is the second time in the last month I have woken after he has made himself comfortable downstairs.  Usually I hear him open his bedroom door but either I am sleeping more soundly these days (ya, right) or the door isn't creaking anymore when opened.  I think it's the air conditioner removing the humidity in the house so it doesn't stick now.  Next step is bell on the door knob to alert me.

Of, course he never wakes up at these hours on the weekend so Steve & I can take turns resting or when I go to bed early.  Last night Steve & I watched TV until 11 then I read in bed until midnight.  I did manage to go back to sleep for 2 hours this morning.  I couldn't help it.  Grace asked me to read her Snow White and I told her my eyes could not stay open to do it.  She got mad & I got even madder at her whining and realized I needed some rest before I really lost it.  So when Mitchell requested squishies up in his room around 7:30am, I laid down on his bed and stayed there until after 9:00am.  The house was still standing when I got up and I was in a hell of alot better mood.  Steven seemed to hold down the fort OK ~ Caroline spent the night at a friend's so she wasn;t here to fight with anyone.  And Mitchell was playing in the girls room....without pants.......and poop next to him.

It could be much worse, so I'll take it.  Not the way I planned on starting my 2nd morning today but it was doable.

So after throwing toys this morning and requesting squishies a million times this morning, Mitchell went to camp at noon, swam for a couple hours in 85 degrees and still shows no signs of slowing down.  Hopefully he will be asleep when I return from the school board meeting tonight where I get to witness the YES votes for the ipads.  Yay!!

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