
Friday, July 29, 2011

Last day of Camp

It's the last day of SRA Camp for Mitchell.  This means the next 3 weeks before school starts we will be on semi lock-down here at Casa Ivey.  I will need be on my A-Game to make sure Mitchell doesn't get into too much trouble.  This also means no showers for mom unless someone comes by for a few minutes.  We will try to fill our time with eating breakfast out with Grandparents, the watersilde & swimming at Aunt Maureen's.  I'm sure everyone else is just as excited as we are.
Camp has been such a relief for all of us.  I know Mitchell has a great time while at camp and he gets to do so many fun things he wouldn't otherwise.  He went to the movies twice, Rainforest Cafe, Pump It Up, made cupcakes at Walmart Bakery and Pizzas at Cici's.  Weather permitting he swam every Tuesday & Thursday and got to hang out with his friends and the awesome counselors.  It was wonderful to hear how much everyone thought he had grown since last summer.  He sits with the group and participates well during reading, crafts & lunch.  We only one instance of head butting that resulted in xrays of a nose but it was only bruised - yay.  Brings back memories of Mitchell fracturing his teachers nose less than 1 month into Early Childhood, sorry Miss Tracy!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Splash Station

Wow!  Today was really awesome.  Steve & I took Steven & Caroline to Splash Station and met Jim, Amy & the kids.  What a normal day it was.  It was so relaxing lounging in the lazy river & napping in a chair while two of our "typical" children ran around with their cousins.  The sky was overcast and storms were looming but not a drop fell.  The sun came out in full force just in time to tan up before heading home.
What a change it is just in a year or two with Steven & Caroline.  They can swim on their own and run around by themselves.  Caroline has always been the daredevil but even Steven went down the tube slides, water slides & race mountain.  Before we left we did find him moving at his typical speed in the lazy river.  Caroline took off right away to the tall slide and we didn't see her much of the day.
It was a well needed break today and we think we might even try it with Mitchell & Grace...I said might.
After a day like today I feel like taking Steven & Caroline and running off to a Disney cruise, it's so nice when we can give them the attention they deserve as well.
We all had a great time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Monday

It's a good start to the week. We all survived the weekend. I guess that's what makes it a good start. I got some relief going to a benefit in the city with my cousins & a friend and stayed out way to late but had uninterrupted sleep which is great! We took Steve's car that doesn't have air but I thought no problem just driving downtown in the evening no buggy. Uh oh. Katie forgot her wallet so back onto the Ryan to Katie's then back downtown. I was a little sweaty by the time we actually parked almost 2 hrs after I left my house. The ride home I felt like I was in a microwave cooking from the inside out. Ugh. New car coming soon.
Steve handled it without me. He takes the kids to Mcdonalds playland which I would never do by myself. Then after he got Grace to sleep (her bed is on our floor)Mitchell barrels into the room, flips on the light & trips over Grace. She must have been exhausted because she didn't wake up. By 9am Steve was texting wondering when I was coming home.
Caroline started VBS with her friend Jack. On the way there we overheard her telling Jack when they are 16 they can get married. No idea where she got the idea that was ok but plenty of time to address that later. She is so excited about VBS especially all the singing & dancing. I should have signed Steven up too to get him off the couch, maybe next year.
It's so hot out I don't even want to put the slide up. I think we will burst into flames the minute we step outside.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rise & Shine

I wanted a picture of Mitchell in his camp shirt and they only wear them on Fridays so I took pictures of each of the kids this morning.

Determined To Have A Good Day

It's 8:38 am and we have had to implement a new house rule - don't lay on the couch if Grace is there because she will kick you in the head and give you a bloody nose. Yesterday I had to give reminders for the rules - don't bring your toys over if you don't want to share them and be nice to your sister or your friends will go home. We have so many rules in the house I can barely stand it.

I've decided to have baileys in my coffee this morning to help me relax after the mess that yesterday was. Of course I need to stay sober to drive Mitchell to camp at 9:30, pick him up at 1:30, go to therapy and then pick him up at therapy at 3:30. I would be a heavy daytime drinker if I didn't have to drive all over creation. For now I will settle with a warm breakfast cocktail. But I think Steve is coming home early from work today. Hooray!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Part II

Just when I thought the day couldn't get worse, I get Mitchell off the camp bus I rearend a car backing out of my parking spot. Ugh! I was totally at fault so I jumped out of the car to tell the lady sorry & make sure she is ok. I told her I didn't see her (duh) and she tells me she had her headlights on. What?? It's 3:15pm does that help especially when I backed into your rear fender? Whatever, she says not to worry about it, it seemed to blend right in to the already cracked and scraped bumper so we went on our way. When we got to therapy I realized I am starting to lose my mysterious stress handling abilities I am so proud of & known for. All is good now and hopefully going to bed early! It is going to be a full moon shortly, that could explain it.


To the average person, running off to get married comes to mind with the word elope. Unfortunately for us and other family members of people with autism it has a different, more frightening meaning. Autism Elopement means to leave a supervised area to avoid a situation or to seek enjoyment without letting someone know and it has become a part of my life. I mention it a bit but experience it even more.

The fear that shoots through me when I notice Mitchell is gone is the worst thing I have ever experienced. Steven & Caroline were both "runners" when they were little so this is not new to me. The huge difference is that Mitchell cannot answer me when I call his name, nor does he realize at any point he is alone or become fearful of situations. Each time Mitchell disappears I really believe he is gone for good. I freeze for a moment and try to figure where he may have gone. I don't know if I should take the time to call neighbors and risk losing 1 minute that could save him from a pool or a car. I don't know which way to run or call his name even though I know he won't answer me. I want to just cry but I can't right now, save it for later.
Mithell eloped this morning from the car in the garage. I put all the kids in the car then had to run across the street to get a carseat for the extra we had today. Won't be doing that again. I returned 1 maybe 2 minutes later to find he climbed our of his seat, over Steven to get to the door w/o child safety lock on while Caroline & 2 neighbor girls watched him take off. Look left then right then scream at the kids. He has developed a liking for Julie & Mikes backyard from which he can see Betsey's pool so that where I headed. As I tried to get into Julie's backyard I heard her upstairs say she had him. Her boys who apparently are more aware than my kids said he cam in from back door & ran upstairs. Her gates were closed which means he crawled under one. We are so blessed to have such wonderful, caring neighbors (mostly) like Julie who I know love Mitchell and are sympathetic to our situation. She shakes it off as just another day living by the Iveys and offers me a drink, ha ha. Thank you Julie!
When I dropped Mitchell at camp I told the counselor what happened and she shared some stories about her 16yr old brother who has down syndrome & autism and elopes as well. I told her about my first memory of Mitchell escaping. We were in Mississipi visiting Aunt Vicky in October 2009. I was on the enclosed back porch with Mitchell and Grace and decided to bring Grace in to pass her off to someone. I walked in the kitchen door then into the family room to see Aunt Vicky playing Wii with the kids and decided to take Grace back outside. Back through the kitchen and out to the porch and I saw one screen door unlatched and didn't see Mitchell anywhere in the backyard. All I could do was run back inside and yell "he's gone, Mitchells not on the porch anymore!" then I froze. We were on a hill in the middle of logging country where houses are far enough apart and separated by trees you can't see one another. There are deer, snakes and all other sorts of wild animals around, there was no way we were going to find him at all, let alone alive. Horrible to think that I know, but it's what I felt.
A neighbor was stopped on the street, she called her son to round up a rescue team on ATVs and a call had been made to the county (I think). About 10 minutes later Mitchell came up from the trees into a clearing where we could see him. When he saw us he looked somewhere to run, it was a game to him I think. I hugged him so tight and could not believe there was nothing wrong with him other than a few scratches. Unfortunately I have cannot bring myself to visit there again, just too many possibilities for running off.
My neighbor just called to see how I am, asked what she can do for me and reminded me what a great mom I am for Mitchell to have. Today is a day I feel like I am drowning but I know tomorrow will be better.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Yesterday at the Sox game there was a teenage boy behind us who was cleary on the autism spectrum. Between his verbal stimming and covering his ears in anticipation for the loud crowd noises, his mom kept telling him camp is tomorrow not today, you get on the bus on Monday, today us only Sunday. I hope Mitchell is that excited to go to camp still in 10 yrs.

We are halfway through the second season of summer camp through Tri-County SRA. I am so glad we found the special rec association and it is so close to us. I don't know how I could possibly keep Mitchell occupied all day as well as give the other kids the attention they deserve. The counselors are awesome and have genuinely care for all these kids. Last year I was hesitant to send Mitchell but he fell in love with the camp right away. This year the counselors have commented on much Mitchell has grown since last year, he plays well "with" the other kids, cleans up and sits with the group appropriately. The fact that he has outgrown biting others is a bonus. I am so proud of him and all his hard work. Last week they finally got to hear him actually speak for the first time. First they were reading a book about letters and when they got to O, Mitchell stood up and started yelling P P then when asked if he needed help with his shoes he responded yes! Camp is just as excited about his progress as we are. Tri-County SRA rocks and I am so happy to have them in our lives. Steven & Caroline say Mitchell is so lucky to go to camp and do all the fun stuff. I tell them they're right but they are also very lucky they can make friends in a way Mitchell doesn't know how to... yet.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How Time Flies.....

When your having fun. That must be what I do everyday because before I know it it's Thursday already. This was such a fun and busy holiday weekend/week. We had waterslide fun, BBQs, swimming, fireworks and we can't forget the waste Steve was up to his elbows in.
We went into the weekend with a bang! It started Wed night when Mitchell came up from the basement with his excited I need to show you something look and was wet. Crap! Downstairs Grace was sticking marble run peices into a recently flushed toilet. I mopped up the mess and cleaned out the toilet and locked the door on my way out. Flash forward to Saturday afternoon and Mitchell has found his way into the crawlspace. Steve opens up the furnace room door to see water on the floor and realizes the ejector pump is not working. Here's where the waste come in. Steve has to scoop out the water sitting on top of the pump before opening to see what's inside. I said it should bs clean water since I locked the bathroom door Wed night no biggy right? Ha! Guess who used the bathroom since then? At least it was his own he was sifting through. We called the plumber, purchased a new ejector pump and removed 5 marble run peices from the motor. Pump is saved until Steve & plumber are talking and old but working falls over & the pipe cracks. So we are keeping the new one.

Next came the pool party that was going great and then Mitchell decided he no longer wanted to wear anything. Always a good laugh. We brought the waterslide to party #2 so Mitchell kept running into the house and laying on everyone's pillows all wet and Grace harassed the dog. Steven actually stayed late with Steve for fireworks which was a first. Oh and I almost forgot When I was packing our bag to leave Mitchell crawled under the fence to get out to the front yard. Luckily there was a gate right there because I'm not in good enough shape to be hopping fences. Unbelievably all the kids went to bed during fireworks in the neighborhood and slept through them.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Day To Remember

I was just thinking yesterday how my rating scale for good/bad days probably differs greatly from others. Friday was a good day. Not because anything special happened but because it was much better than Thursday. Today was a great day, I'll explain why this is.
On Thursday I woke a little after 6am to the giggles of 3 girls who just weren't tired anymore. A few hours later as we all (3 of mine & 2 extra) piled into the van to pick up Mitchll from school and drive to camp I realized I hadn't replaced the seat I took out a few weeks back. No big deal, I'll just put it back in. Ha ha. Things don't go that smoothly for me most of the time. 15 minutes later we are at the school still trying to figure it out. I took the seat out, why can't I get it back in? I give up, I'm ready to scream, we drive off with Steven sitting illegally in the front seat, a folded bucket seat sitting unattached in the 2nd row and I'm praying I don't get pulled over. We arrive home safely after dropping Mitchell at camp and my mom shows up to help me. Thank goodness she figured it out because I couldn't drive all the way to Hometown illegally to drop of the 2 extras later on. The rest of the night went fairly well. This was a not so good day, but there hav been worse.
Friday was uneventful. Summer school, camp and therapy. Ran like a well oiled machine. No tantrums or upsets and I don't even recall the 2 olders kids even arguing with me. Steve was out until after bedtime but there wasn't any trouble. This is a good day.
A great day is one I have to make note of. It doesn't mean the entire day was all candy canes & gumdrops but there are bits of sprinkles here & there. Today Mitchell said 3 little words most moms of 5 yr olds hear all the time. We play a game of chase where we end up squishing on his bed pillows and I always tell him I love him. He looks intently at my eyes then my mouth trying to form sounds with his own. Once I heard the sounds but it was more just repeating the inflectin in my voice. Today, Mitchell came in from playing on the waterslide for a hug. He grabbed my chin and said "I" "I" so I said "I love you" and responded "I wuv you.". And that is all it takes to move the day way up to the top of my rating scale.