
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Great Progress

Mitchell has really made a leap in communication in the last couple of weeks. It is great to see how his skills transfer from therapy/school to home and can be used in different context. I have been told by therapists he knows sight words and animals and we know he can identify & write letters and numbers but I couldn't figure out if he knew the meaning or just had them memorized. He has proven recently he's got it all! A couple weeks ago he showed me on his Dynavox Maestro that he can identify animals if given their sound or name and scroll through pages to find them too. This also transferred over to flash cards a couple days later. A few days ago he was using a story App on the iPad and was able to pick out letters when I asked him even tho they were out of order & mixed upper & lower case. He said puppy when he touched a dog's face on Tuesday, "I'm two" when Caroline was trying get Grace to repeat it and mimicked Aunt Maureen yesterday when she called him a stinkbutt. This morning we were looking through a flap book when he verbally labeled girl, pig & chicken without being prompted to do so. These are major accomplishments for Mitchell and really proves our therapy program is working. I am so proud of all his hard work over the past 3 1/2 yrs. I always assume Mitchell will be living with us forever but Steve thinks maybe not, alot can happen in the next 15-20 yrs. Look at how far he has come in under 4. He sure is an amazing little boy!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. I've always known he was soo smart, you just had to find the right keys to unlock his knowledge, and what you're doing is working :)
