
Friday, August 19, 2011

Potty Training 2

WOW!  About sums up potty training this week.  We went to Trinity Services Autism Family & Resource Center for potty training camp on Tuesday.  Armed with 20 pairs of underwear I had to sew 1"x2" pockets into, cookies, starbursts & fruit snacks for rewards, books, puzzles, ipad, gallon of juice and coffee for me, we arrived at 9am.  First try on the potty Mitchell went with little effort.  For the next 7 hours he continued to amaze us all with his expertise, as if he had been doing this for weeks already.  With more successes than accidents they sent us home with a 1hr off 5 min on schedule.  Yay!

We got home with 10 minutes to spare.  Mitchell wanted to go outside so with hesitation but understanding (we were in a 15x10 room all day) I let him out. buzzz buzzzz buzzzz.  Dam.  His urine alarm was going off as he sat in the rocks flipping me off in his head I am sure.  Ok reset the clock for 1 hour, we should be fine.  Fifty minutes later Mitchell runs upstairs as I follow, rips the alarm off his shirt & pees in our bedroom.  Has he lost his mind?  I am going to loose mine real soon.  Reset clock once again.  He must have just needed to get it out of his system because he had nothing but success the rest of the night.  Hooray for Mitchell.

The next days have been going great.  I left him with my Grandpa on Wednesday so I could attend a bowling luncheon I planned and he surprised all of us with his success.  He didn't want to get Grandpa in trouble I think.  He has been initiating with the Dynavox or by running to bathroom & banging on door.  It's amazing how he no longer plays in the bathroom so we can leave the door open in case he needs to go and no one is around.  Yesterday Abby & Andrew were over and ran came upstairs to tell me Mitchell was going potty.  He said he was at the back door so Andrew directed him to the Dynavox to see what he needed but then he turned it off so after a few seconds he lead Andrew to the bathroom and hopped on the toilet.  He even maneuvered his undies out of the way while sitting.  He is so smart.
This is going far better than I ever could have imagined.

I am in daily contact with the therapist from Trinity.  I email them our data sheet each night and she calls morning and evening to adjust our schedule.  This morning he didn't go when I put him on but 1 hr later he requested via the Dynavox.  Now we are on a 3hr wait.  Mitchell is a potty training Rock Star.

Oh one minor detail I forgot to mention, he hasn't pooped since Monday.  Hmmm.  Gonna look into that to see when I should start to worry.

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