
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Photo

Since school pictures had been taken, I decided to get an updated one of Grace this past Monday. Her last professional photo was for her 1st birthday, she just turned 2 1/2 this month. Yah, I've been a little busy. Since that session went so well I decided to strike while the iron is hot and get us in for a family picture as well. Steve mentioned it on our anniversary and oddly enough he seemed excited about it. Other than stressing out about what everyone was to wear I was looking forward to it and thought it might go pretty well. The last family picture was taken in 2007 Mitchell had already regressed into Autism and Caroline was in the throws of the terrible two's. Three out of five of us had smiles on our faces and I don't remember the process being all that painful. So into Picture People we go a little before noon on Sunday. We are all in fall colors, Grace almost wore her princess ballet dress but I managed to find something that better fit our scheme. It starts out well without any yelling, kicking or hitting but then Grace decides she is not going to do what anyone is telling her. She doesn't want daddy do we switch then she doesn't want mommy. She wants her sippy cup then Mitchell is tired of waiting do he wanders off to get a drink too. We get everyone situated and I think out of each pose they figured 1 or 2 good shots. If someone had a sippy in their mouth I gave the OK to try again. Mitchell was being really cooperative in the beginning and following verbal instruction like a champ. Unfortunately, and there always seems to be an unfortunate turn of events, by the time we tried to get a group shot of kids only they all had had enough. In the end we let Mitchell pick his spot and placed everyone around him. This worked a little better. We ended up with some real life photos. Ever the optimist I told Stdve it could have been worse. Mitchell was only picking his nose in a few pictures. Grace managed a crazed smile even when she was screaming. Steven and Caroline didn't have a bad shot in the bunch, they handled themselves very nicely. Our pictures truly reflect who we are, no need to pretend we are a well kept well behaved bunch. Where's the fun in that? I'll share a picture in the morning when I get a chance to scan it.

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